A multicenter randomized controlled clinical trial for the investigation of preventive pacing in combination with beta-blocker or AT-I-/ACE-inhibitor therapy on the recurrence of atrial fibrillation in patients with dual-chamber pacemakers
Coordinating Investigator
Prof. Andreas Schuchert, Neumünster, Germany
Overall Responsibility
Atrial Fibrillation NETwork (AFNET), Münster, Germany
Current Status
German Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Schuchert A, Wegscheider K, Meinertz T: Stellenwert präventiver Vorhofstimulation zur Reduktion von paroxysmalem Vorhofflimmern bei Schrittmacherpatienten (BACEPACE-Studie) - Effect of preventive atrial pacing on the reduction of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation in pacemaker patients (BACEPACE study). Kardiologe 2008: 2(6); 500-505